We welcome you to new opportunities that will prepare and educate you for Kingdom service.

The class schedule is a list of classes offered for the current semester. There are new classes for each Spring & Fall Semester.

Online Classes
Check out the NEOBC online class list. New classes are added every semester.
Our Mission
Our Mission
Northeast Ohio Bible College (NEOBC) exists for the purpose of developing pulpit and youth ministers. We also exist for the purpose of educating Christians in Biblical truth to be able to work in any area of ministry within the church and the community.
The campus of Northeast Ohio Bible College (NEOBC) is located at 51049 Calcutta Smith-Ferry Road, East Liverpool, Ohio. Nestled in the Ohio River valley where Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia meet, our beautiful 14-acre campus combines the serenity of a country setting with the convenience of shopping and employment opportunities.
Online Professors
Joe Croft
President -
Don Cooper
Academic Dean/Professor -
Kevin Ziegler
Adjunct Professor -
Matt Sulllivan
Adjunct Professor